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The 8 Best Exercises to Burn Calories

No matter what your health goals are, exercise can help get you there. It can help you feel stronger, more energized, happier and so much more  there are countless reasons to get moving. 

If losing weight is one of your goals, you know that exercise can help. But first, you have to figure out how many calories you should be burning during your workouts to actually lose weight.

The simple way to look at this is that you need a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. 

The not-so-simple part is that everyone burns a different amount of calories at rest, which you need to consider before figuring out how many calories you burn during a workout and then how many calories to eat. 

How many calories you burn depends on several factors, including:

- duration of exercise

- pace

- intensity

- your weight and height

If you're dedicating valuable time in your day to sweat, you want to know it's actually worth your time, right? When it comes to the best weight loss exercises, though, the confusion is real. Some people say cardio is the ultimate calorie-burner, while other swear by strength training. Well, it's time to set the record straight.

It’s true that people tend to expend more calories while doing cardio, like running, compared to lifting weights, says physical therapist and fitness coach Laura Miranda, CSCS, DPT. 

“But anaerobic workouts (think weights) keep our excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), or post-workout calorie-burn, going from hours to days,” she explains.

When you work at that higher intensity, your body needs more oxygen afterward in order to recover and repair muscles, Miranda says. By choosing exercises that ramp up that after-burn effect, “you get more bang for your buck in the long-term,” she says. “Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue, so the more of it we have, the more effective we are at burning calories all day long.”

Warm up

Always warm up before doing workout. This will increase your body temperature and blood flow, which prepares your body for exercise. It also reduces your risk of injury.

- Consider doing modified exercises if you have:

- an injury

- limited mobility

certain health conditions (like arthritis)

dont forget Talk to a doctor, personal trainer, or physical therapist. These specialists can demonstrate how to safely do calorie-burning exercises. They can also recommend other modifications and moves for your goals.

The 8 Best Exercises to Burn Calories

1. Jumping Rope

Jumping Rope

Calories burned in hour: 667–990 calories

Yep, this blast from your playground past is a total torcher. Plus, “jumping rope is great for developing coordination, calf and ankle strength, core strength, posture, and cardiovascular endurance,” explains Berkow. “It also helps build bone density, which guards against bone loss, osteoporosis, and bone loss.”

Ideally, the best way to start jumping rope is to go slow and do it in 20- to 30-second bursts, Berkow suggests. Once you've mastered that flick-of-the-wrist and your timing, work on increasing your speed and duration to burn more calories.

2. Burpee

Burpee to burn calories

Calories burned in hour: 600–900 calories

Burpees are considered an advanced calisthenics move, so it’s important to take your time and perform them with proper form to avoid injury.

If you’re performing a single burpee every three seconds, you can expect to perform roughly 20 burpees per minute. If you perform your burpees more slowly, you might do 10 to 15 burpees per minute instead.

Also, different variations of burpees may change the amount of time it takes you to do a single burpee.

How To do :

  • Stand facing forward. Your feet should be hip-width apart and your arms should be at your sides.
  • Lower yourself down into a squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Focus your weight into your heels, rather than onto the balls of your feet.
  • Lean forward and place your palms flat on the floor in front of you. The position of your palms should be narrower than your feet.
  • Jump your feet back, stretching your legs and landing on the balls of your feet. Think of this transition as jumping into a full plank. During this position, engage the abs for support and be sure not to raise or sag your back.
  • Jump your feet forward again until they are positioned next to your hands.
  • Reach up with your arms over your head and jump up, then reach back down to cycle through the entire move again.

3. Kickboxing

Calories burned in hour: 582–864 calories

“Kickboxing works your upper body and core without a lot of impact to your legs, so it’s great if you can’t jump or have knee pain while jumping,” says Berkow. 

Plus, kickboxing has been shown to improve cardio, strength, agility, balance, coordination, upper body fitness, and aerobic power, per research published in Muscles, Ligaments, and Tendons Journal. And, let’s be real: Hitting something is seriously stress-relieving.

To get started, you'll want to learn common boxing moves (like jabs, crosses, uppercuts, and hooks) and be ready to incorporate squats, lunges, and ducks. Pro tip: Learn the handwork before you start the footwork, and decrease rest times between sets.

4. Running

Running to burn calories

Calories burned in hour : 566–839 calories

One major reason running is such an effective weight loss exercise? In addition to working the large muscles in your legs, it's high-impact. “You have to push your body weight off of the ground with every stride,” says Berkow.

If you're just getting started (or if running at a steady pace bothers your ankles or knees), opt for intervals of runs, alternating with intervals of light jogging or walking. “If you are new to running, use a 1:2 work to rest ratio, or recover for twice as long as you run,” Berkow recommends.

5. Stairs Climbing

Stairs Climbing Workout to burn calories

Calories burned in hour : 452–670 calories

If sprinting up stairs just doesn't appeal (or sounds like a banged shin just waiting to happen), you can walk your way up and still burn the calories necessary to support weight loss.

“Stairs burn a ton of calories and work your legs and hips, which are muscles that really need to be strengthened after sitting all day,” says Berkow. In addition to promoting fat loss, stair-climbing can help lower cholesterol and boost your anaerobic fitness, according to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Bottom line: Whether you’re working the Stair Master or running steps around town, à la Rocky, stair-climbing forces you to work against gravity and strengthen your muscles.

6. High-knee running

High knee running to burn calories

Calories burned in 30 minutes: 240 - 355.5 Calories

High-knee running is a vigorous cardio workout. It raises your heart rate while strengthening your lower body. As a high-intensity exercise, high-knee running is useful for burning calories in a short amount of time.

How to do: Run in place while lifting your knees as high as possible. Quickly pump your arms up and down.

7. Mountain climbers

mountain climber to burn calories

Calories burned in 30 minutes: 240 - 355.5 Calories

The mountain climber is a cardio exercise that doubles as a full-body workout. Since you need to use your entire body, you’ll burn a lot of calories in a short period of time.

How to do: Start in plank position. Place your shoulders over your hands. Engage your core. Lift your right knee toward your chest. Return to plank. Repeat with your left knee. Repeat quickly.

8. Jumping jacks

jumping jack to burn calories

Calories burned per minute: 8 - 11.8 Calories

Jumping jacks are a basic cardio exercise that raises your heart rate. It also offers an awesome full-body workout. You don’t need much space to do jumping jacks, so it’s easy to do at home.

How to do: Stand with your feet together. Place your arms at your sides.  Jump with your legs shoulder-width apart. Lift your arms over your head. Repeat as necessary.

Depending on the intensity, jumping jacks can be part of your warmup, HIIT workout, or general routine.

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